Monday, October 1, 2007

20 Miles... all by myse-e-elf....

Hi gang! (warning, this one is kinda long).

Okay, so last time I mentioned that I have been sick, and unable to run. I missed both the 16 and 18-milers, and as of last Wednesday it had been almost 3 WEEKS since I had run a step.

And then... the 20-miler. Yes, it was looming large in front of me. The Team ran it last Saturday. I was going to attempt it, but chickened out Friday night. I had only done 3 miles last Thursday, in 3 WEEKS. My legs felt like spaghetti noodles, all limp and well... useless.

So I woke up Saturday morning, and decided to go for a 4-mile walk. I figured it would help me (possibly just mentally) to have done something with my leg muscles. Well, let's just say by the time I made it home, I had a sinus headace that 3 Aleve wouldn't put a dent in.

So I was stressed. Feeling as though I couldn't do this, and that was so depressing! Because how in the world could I run 26.2 miles without having run close to if before the race? I knew that yesterday (Sunday) was the last day possible for me to do it. This coming Saturday would be too late, you're not supposed to run such a long distance so close to the actual race day.

So I made a decision. I would wake up whenever I wanted Sunday (that meant no alarm clock), and if I felt fine, I would give it a try. I had already figured out a 10-mile course that I could do twice... yikes!

And wouldn't you know it, I lost my sports watch?!? I swear, it really was a comedy of errors, the hours leading up to my 20-miler.

I awoke Sunday morning feeling great, and just decided to go for it. I could always turn around and come home if I started feeling bad, I rationalized to myself. I took off with my fuel belt, full of Gatorade, shot blocks, my inhaler, some cash (for some reason, I had an overabundance of one-dollar bills, okay 8 of em), and my house key tied onto my shoe. Daunting? You betcha.

So I started out, and about 5 miles in decided to change my course. I decided to the do a 12-miler, then tack on 8-miles at the end (that would be approximately 2 laps of the Mall).

And oh my gosh, I did it! Since I didn't have my watch, I couldn't do intervals, but I ran in spurts. Luckily the weather was perfect, I think the high was 72, and it was breezy. I planned it to where I could run the last half on the Mall, because they sell water and Gatorade all over the place, for those thirsty, dehydrated tourists. Which was the reason I carried the cash, by the way, were you thinking it was cab money???

Wow, what a feeling, I really still am in shock that I did it... and without an iPod! (Yes, I'm a freak of nature, and can walk/run for 20 miles without music, sooo not easily bored!).

I talked to one of the coaches today, because he e-mailed me, asking me to call him. I told him I did it, and he was absolutely floored. He had been concerned about me, and even thought about switching me to the half-marathon (which is the same day/time as the full Nike Women's), but since I've done this, then he thinks I'm good to go! (I can't say that it's not tempting to cut back, but I won't! I've been planning all along to do the full, and so that's what I'm gonna do!).

And how, you may ask, did I not just simply die of boredom! I planned out little rewards for myself. On the way back from Haines Point (this is approximately 6-7 miles in) I ran the Tidal Basin. I love it down there, so that was my first treat. When I got back on the Mall, I had to do the loop twice. I planned on my last trip around the Washington Monument to actually go up and touch it, and I stretched there, that was my second treat. Also, I told myself that on my last loop, I would run through the Smithsonian Castle Garden. It's so pretty, and smells so wonderful. So that was my last treat.

By the time I made it in front of the National Air and Space Museum (for the last time), I was congratulating myself for not having lost my mind! That was about 1-mile from my house. A guy was playing the flute, and I decided to give him my last dollar. He said 'you look ready for a jog, with your belt on.' I replied, 'just finishing up 20 miles, almost done!' as I held up 7 fingers. So... maybe I wasn't all there, but at least I remember it!

The Mall was the perfect place for me to do it, because there were tourists everywhere, there was a band playing (for some reason I don't know) by the Washington Monument, and there was the MS Walk finish line in front of the Capitol, and they were playing fun music. Although I will say, please, if you are a singer, do NOT butcher U2. I don't care how you sing, but if you can't do Bono justice, please... just.don'

Anyway, I'm getting off topic. People were everywhere, no telling how many languages I heard, I met a photographer, and just had a great time. Now, will I ever voluntarily run/walk 20-miles all by myself ever again? Highly doubtful! But I'm soo glad I did it. It just proves that I have the determination it takes to do this. That my legs, feet, lungs and mostly importantly mind can do this. Such a great feeling. And I'm not even that sore! Okay, I am, but not near as bad as I anticipated!

That's my update. Hope everyone is having a great day!


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